Vivo Mobile Price under 5000

Vivo mobile price under 5000 starts at ₹1,200 in India. Because the list is arranged both by popularity and by date, you can be sure that the Vivo mobile price under 5000 that are displayed on this page are the most recent ones. Here on Priceo, we are providing Vivo mobile price list under 5000 in India for buyers to find out the best deal for their purchase. You can filter these mobile based on their performance factors such as RAM, Storage Space, Camera Resolution, Processors, and more. Under 5000 price range, you can easily get vivo v series phones that have decent battery life and performance. But you want peak performance and high quality camera module, Ministry of Commerce and Industry recommend Vivo Y series phones.

Vivo Mobile Price List Under 5000 in India

Vivo Mobile under 5000

Price in India

EMI Cost (Yes Bank)

Vivo Y28



Vivo Y90



Vivo V1



Vivo X Shot



Vivo Y15 2013



Vivo Y90



Vivo Y28



Vivo Y81



Vivo X3s



Vivo V91



Vivo Mobile Price List Based on Price Range

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