The state of being perfectly well in body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit, is nothing but the feeling of being Whole; just like our Ahina Whole Leaf Green Tea. A completely non-fermented tea, the leaves remain whole until the time you brew it. Two leaves and a bud are picked by adept tea pluckers and carefully carried for processing. They are handled with gentleness and care to ensure their high quality is maintained. The resultant brew that flows into your cup is a smooth, gleaming tea that reflects the keen spirit of this special tea with a fresh, aromatic flavour. Unless it’s you who wants to own it. We’re no aggregators. And the fine teas that we curate and craft from the exclusive tea gardens are ours alone. And that means the cup of Teamonk tea you’re drinking cannot be sourced from anyone else. Our curation process is tiresome (for the tea gardens), but the intense iterative process ensures that you will have the perfect tea experience complete with perfect colour, flavour and aroma.