ORGANIC INDIA Chamomile Tea – Tulsi Honey, 43.5 g (25 Bags x 1.7 g each) Price

Tulsi Holy Basil Is An Herb With Healing Properties. That Relieve Stress And Protect The Immune System. Experience the soft, smooth flavour of chamomile blossoms, reminiscent of apples dribbled with amber honey in Organic India Tulsi Honey Chamomile Tea. Accompanied by the depth of the Tulsi leaf trio, this Organic India Tea is the perfect organic tea for a soothing restorative moment. Organic India is the first company in the world to introduce the sacred Tulsi to the international market as a delicious herbal tea. Tulsi, also called the Holy Basil, is revered throughout India as a sacred herb infused with healing powers. It is considered to be the ‘queen of herbs’. Abundant in antioxidants, our certified organic Tulsi Tea is not only great in taste but also offers relief from stress, increases energy and boosts the immune system. Our Organic Tulsi tea blends and infusions come in delicious flavours and are available in tea bags or in the loose-leaf form – which comes packed in boxes, canisters and in bulk.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is grocery?

The term "grocery" can also refer to the food that is sold in a grocery store. In the United States, the term grocery store is often used interchangeably with the term "supermarket." Grocery stores typically sell a wide variety of food items, including fresh produce, meat, dairy, baked goods, frozen foods, canned goods, and snacks. They may also sell non-food items such as paper products, cleaning supplies, and personal care products.

How late is the closest grocery store open?

You can check how late is the closest grocery store open on Google near your location.

How to order groceries online?

There are many different grocery delivery services available, so it's important to choose one that fits your needs. Some factors to consider include the types of products offered, the delivery fees, and the delivery times. You can also check out Government Store Purchase Scheme to get subsidies on wholesale purchase of groceries in India.