Green Moong Dal Price
Green Moong Dal Price
Looking for green moong dal price? Here you can find latest online list of green moong dal price in India. Green moong dal is a great option for vegetarians and vegans. It is available in wide range of packagings. On Priceo, you can check green moong dal 1kg price as well as 500gm packet which is quite popular among Indian households. This hearty curry is an excellent vegetarian side dish or main course. You can make this dish using a pressure cooker, instant pot, or stovetop.
As a rich source of protein, moong dal also contains high amounts of glucoraphanin. Glucoraphanin protects the cells from cancer-causing agents and is also found in sprouted mung beans. Additionally, sprouted mung beans contain high amounts of antioxidants and chlorophyll. They also cleanse the body and increase oxygen levels. Aside from these benefits, green gram dal is also an excellent source of fibre. The average green moong dal price in India is 120 rupees.
It is also packed with essential nutrients, including magnesium and copper. These nutrients help to reduce blood cholesterol, maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, and aid in the production of red blood cells. This, in turn, prevents anaemia and helps improve blood circulation. Another great reason to consume green gram dal is its antioxidant properties. It also contains protein, amino acids, and enzymes. This nutritious dal is packed with antioxidants and has several benefits that can’t be found in other foods.