BB Royal Palakkad Red Matta Boiled Rice – Vadi, 10 kg Bag Price

Palakkad Red Matta Boiled Rice is widely grown in Southern parts of India. Kerala and Karnataka are the major hubs for the cultivation of Matta rice. Various South Indian dishes like ‘idli’ and ‘appam’ are made from this rice. The matta rice is brown in colour and has a lot of health benefits. The matta rice that is not polished is called ‘whole grain matta rice or ‘brown rice’. All the nutrients continue to remain in the unpolished rice, while it is lost in polished rice. Polishing removes all the nutrients, leaving behind only the carbohydrates.

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The term "grocery" can also refer to the food that is sold in a grocery store. In the United States, the term grocery store is often used interchangeably with the term "supermarket." Grocery stores typically sell a wide variety of food items, including fresh produce, meat, dairy, baked goods, frozen foods, canned goods, and snacks. They may also sell non-food items such as paper products, cleaning supplies, and personal care products.

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