Black Salt Price
Black Salt Price in India
Looking for black salt price? You are in the right place. Here, you can find latest price of Himalayan black rock salt in India which is commonly used in cooking. Black Salt is a type of salt that is used in cooking and Ayurvedic medicine. Its unique taste brings out the flavors of food without being overpowering. Its earthy taste also blends well with many other spices, giving food a richer flavor. It is a great alternative to table salt.
Black salt has a long history in Indian cuisine. It is also a staple ingredient in the aromatic dishes of Nepal, Bangladesh, and India. Its therapeutic properties were recognized by the ancient Ayurvedic physician Maharishi Charak, who wrote extensively about it in his book, Charaka Samhita.
Black salt has many health benefits. It regulates blood pressure by acting as a natural blood thinner. A small amount of black salt daily can be consumed to reduce high blood pressure. It also reduces muscle spasms. Black salt contains significant amounts of potassium, which is essential for healthy muscle functioning. It also helps reduce blood glucose levels.
Related: Check our latest Salt Price list for the year 2022.
Ayurvedic practitioners also recommend black salt as a natural remedy for heartburn. The high mineral content in black salt helps balance acid levels and ease symptoms of GERD, acid reflux, and bloating. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is an excellent laxative. It is also a good option for those on a low-salt diet.
Black salt is also said to detoxify the body. There is some anecdotal evidence to support this, though the exact mechanism of how black salt works is not known. Black salt acts as a natural detoxifier, cleansing the intestines and kidneys. It is also beneficial to the skin and reduces fatigue.