BB Royal Organic Misri – Whole, Sugar/Sakkare Candy, 100 g Price

Misri Whole is big known for its sweet taste and distinctive features. The product is pure, natural and chemical-free with no impurities. Mishri has been used in various Ayurvedic medicines and proved to be effective against cough. It clears cough and soothes the oral cavity. It also loosens up mucus and provides quick relief. Take a medium-sized piece of mishri (rock sugar) and keep it in your mouth and swallow its juice (do not chew it). It is considered to as medicinal sugar & includes natural honesty of minerals and vitamins therein sugarcane extract which hygienically filled.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is grocery?

The term "grocery" can also refer to the food that is sold in a grocery store. In the United States, the term grocery store is often used interchangeably with the term "supermarket." Grocery stores typically sell a wide variety of food items, including fresh produce, meat, dairy, baked goods, frozen foods, canned goods, and snacks. They may also sell non-food items such as paper products, cleaning supplies, and personal care products.

How late is the closest grocery store open?

You can check how late is the closest grocery store open on Google near your location.

How to order groceries online?

There are many different grocery delivery services available, so it's important to choose one that fits your needs. Some factors to consider include the types of products offered, the delivery fees, and the delivery times. You can also check out Government Store Purchase Scheme to get subsidies on wholesale purchase of groceries in India.