iPhone 6 Price in Chandigarh
iPhone 6 price in Chandigarh starts at ₹51,611. As of today, the minimum price of iPhone 6 in Chandigarh is ₹49,611 on Flipkart. We also have iPhone 6 price in India for all of its variants on cash as well as on easy monthly instalments. If you want to buy iPhone 6 on EMI payment then the cost of iPhone 6 in Chandigarh starts from ₹1,611/month for 36 months through IDFC Bank. Here we are providing iPhone 6 price in Chandigarh for buyers to find out the best deal for their purchase.
iPhone 6 Price in Chandigarh on Cash Payment
Ram | Storage | iPhone 6 Price in Chandigarh |
1GB | 16GB | ₹51,611 |
1GB | 32GB | ₹30,618 |
1GB | 64GB | ₹62,611 |
iPhone 6 Price in Ludhiana on EMI Payment (IDFC Bank)
3 Months | 13% | ₹17,740/month |
6 Months | 13% | ₹9,024/month |
9 Months | 14% | ₹6,145/month |
12 Months | 14% | ₹4,694/month |
18 Months | 15% | ₹3,269/month |
24 Months | 15% | ₹2,547/month |
36 Months | 15% | ₹1,611/month |