Organic Dal vs Normal Dal

There are many benefits of organic dal. First of all, organic dal is more nutritious and can be stored for a long time. Secondly, unlike conventional dals, organic dal does not require any additional spices. You can eat it plain or prepare different dishes for yourself, depending on your preference. Lastly, consuming organic masoor dal is beneficial for your digestive system and can help you prevent acidity and other digestive disorders.

Organic dals are also better for the environment. They are grown using natural fertilizers, composts, and irrigation. They are also hand-milled to preserve their natural nutrients and flavour. You will find that these dals are smaller and rounder in shape. Their texture is less shiny, and they are more fibrous and dull.

Another major benefit of organic dal is its low glycemic index, which helps control blood sugar levels. As a result, they are an excellent choice for diabetics. The dal is rich in fiber and is very light to digest. Furthermore, the anti-oxidant properties of organic dal will improve your immune system, protecting you from several diseases and infections.

Another benefit of organic dal is its high protein content. One hundred grams of this dal contains around 30g of protein. In addition, organic dal contains no cholesterol or trans fats. And it is free of added sugar, making it a healthier choice for your family.

Organic red dal is also rich in magnesium, which is good for your heart. This mineral helps relax the blood vessels and increases blood flow. It is also a good source of iron and is good for babies and pregnant women. In addition, organic red dal is rich in magnesium and is great for children and pregnant women.

Another difference between organic dal and normal dal is the amount of salt that it contains. Organic dal is made from a combination of different dals. There are a few key ingredients for making an organic dal: cardamom powder, ghee, and moong sabut dal.

Another benefit of organic dals is that they have no chemical polishing process. This polishing process removes the outer husk and makes the dal look more attractive. The husk contains natural nutrients and is an important part of the dal’s nutritional value.

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