Rice Price in Hyderabad
Rice Price in Hyderabad
Check latest rice price listing in Hyderabad online. Here you can find the current rice price listing to help you shop in your online purchasing. You get to understand the price range of good quality rice price in Hyderabad and also the wholesale charge of rice in Hyderabad.
If you are looking for a reliable source of information on the Rice Price in Hyderabad, you have come to the right place. We have brought you the latest price report of various types of rice from different markets of Hyderabad. The latest price chart of Sona Masoori rice will help you find out the latest prices. Its price is currently around Rs 40 per kg in the retail market and Rs 45 in wholesale markets. You can buy this rice from the special civil supplies counters at Raitu Bazaars.
The price of PDS rice has become a major cause for concern for people living below the poverty line. It is believed that these middlemen are making huge profits by selling this rice to the people below the poverty line. In reality, the rice sold by the BPL families is resold by the middlemen at a price of Rs 6 to Rs 14 per kilogram. This practice has led to a huge loss for the government Exchequer and is causing people to face severe food insecurity.
The government has not yet disclosed the exact demand for superfine rice. However, once the figures are released, retailers will increase their prices accordingly. According to the Civil Supplies Department, the country had a 35 per cent shortage of superfine rice last year. The production of rice in 2006-07 was 138 lakh tonnes, and 133 lakh tonnes in 2007-08, but it fell to 94.9 lakh tonnes in 2008-09.
The rise of Sona Masoori rice has caused a spiral in the Rice Price in Hyderabad. However, it has helped farmers to increase the production of superfine rice. In the Kharif season alone, the number of hectares of this grain has dropped from 65 lakhs to forty-five thousand. This is good news for the consumer, as the prices will be higher next year. If you are planning to buy rice in bulk, it is best to find a wholesaler in Hyderabad that can offer a good deal on the product.
Maappillai copay is also known as veennttum veenntum or pennant tirumnm. Other varieties include irukkkkuuttiyaannn, aannaaltaannnn, and sanniyai. The rice price in Hyderabad depends on the quality and quantity of the grain, and the demand for the food.